A simple Arduino IoT example with Protobuf


Following this tutorial, you will learn how an IoT system works from the device through the server to the front end. It is a highly simplified example, so it is easy to understand. It uses google protobuf to serial data between the different stages. Using protobuf for IoT and servers is incredibly popular. The package we use for the server … Read More

A simple BLE example with Embedded Proto


Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a popular network technology, especially for embedded and mobile devices. This example shows how you could use Embedded Proto to set up data structures to communicate between devices using BLE in a structured way. In this example, embedded proto is used to make messages for turning on a lead on the microcontroller and retrieving a … Read More

A simple UART example with Embedded Proto


Connecting a microcontroller with a PC is straightforward when using google protocol buffers. This example shows you how you could communicate over UART in a structured manner. Embedded Proto generates the embedded code while regular protoc code is used for the python desktop script. Commands are sent from the PC to the microcontroller. The chip will reply with a message … Read More